
Once upon a time.... in a small far away village in Englandshire, there lived a little boy. He was a very happy boy who loved to play with his brothers and friends in the lush green fields of the countryside. Life back then was truly great.

One day the little boy was lying in bed. He wasn't tired at all so he lay there thinking about how good his day had been and how thankful he was to be surrounded by such great people. Then suddenly, out of nowhere and without warning, a terrible thought (The Unspeakable) popped into the little boy's head. The realisation that there was no escaping the inevitably of what he had just thought made him tremble with fear. He curled up into a ball under his blanket and cried.

As the boy cried, outside the window of his bedroom stood a small figure looking in, a strange entity, staring at him with unforgiving eyes. It was the Mind Monster overlord.

From that day the boy had changed... he was no longer a happy little boy.

Name: Negator
About: The overlord, head of all Mind Monsters, and ruler of the Brain Kingdom
Height: 2.05mm
Special Powers: Controls all Mind Monsters and feeds off their increasing power to grow stronger
Thought Tags: #Negativity #Failure #SelfDoubt #Miserable
Name: Aloneymon
About: Tells your friends how much of a loser you are so they don't like you
Height: 1.34mm
Special Powers: Ability to control the brains of your friends
Thought Tags: #Loser #Alone #Friendless #Introvert #Boring
Name: Fuglytubs
About: A monster that makes you feel like you are ugly and fat
Height: 1.22mm
Special Powers: Can distort mirrors and reflections to make you look ugly
Thought Tags: #Ugly #Fat #Hideous #Spotty
Name: Toughypoops
About: This monster makes you feel like you are always unlucky in life
Height: 1.69mm
Special Powers: Has the ability to change the future in a negative way so that things will always go wrong
Thought Tags: #Cursed #ToughLuck

The Guardian Owl

The Guardian Owl
The boy meets an Owl with an unusual problem

Cherry Shrimp Army

Cherry Shrimp Army
While the boy sleeps, an evil army of Cherry Shrimp is assembling

The Figure in the Window

The Figure in the Window
A figure in the window is watching... it is always watching!

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